How to Become a Citizen in Saudi Arabia – A Comprehensive Guide

Becoming a citizen of Saudi Arabia is a complex process, but it can be achieved with the right preparation and guidance. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about the requirements, process, and benefits of obtaining Saudi Arabian citizenship.

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Understanding Saudi Arabian Citizenship

Saudi Arabia has a highly restrictive citizenship policy, and obtaining citizenship is not an easy task. The country’s nationality law is based on jus sanguinis (right of blood), and citizenship is typically passed down from Saudi Arabian parents to their children. However, there are several ways for non-Saudis to acquire citizenship, including:

  • Naturalization: Foreigners who have resided in Saudi Arabia for at least 10 years and have fulfilled certain other requirements may be eligible to apply for naturalization.
  • Marriage: Women who are married to Saudi Arabian citizens may apply for citizenship after a period of five years.
  • Royal decree: The King of Saudi Arabia has the authority to grant citizenship to individuals who have made significant contributions to the country.

Requirements for Saudi Arabian Citizenship

To qualify for Saudi Arabian citizenship, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Age: Must be at least 18 years old.
  • Residence: Must have legally resided in Saudi Arabia for at least 10 years (for naturalization) or five years (for marriage).
  • Arabic language: Must be proficient in Arabic.
  • Islamic faith: Must be a Muslim.
  • Good moral character: Must have no criminal record.
  • Stable income: Must have a stable income that is sufficient to support themselves and their family.

The Process of Obtaining Saudi Arabian Citizenship

The process of obtaining Saudi Arabian citizenship involves the following steps:

  • Submit an application: Applicants must submit an application to the Saudi Ministry of Interior, along with the required supporting documents.
  • Background check: The Ministry of Interior will conduct a background check on the applicant to verify their identity and criminal history.
  • Interview: Applicants may be required to attend an interview with the Ministry of Interior to discuss their application and provide additional information.
  • Approval: If the application is approved, the applicant will be issued a Saudi Arabian citizenship certificate.

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Benefits of Saudi Arabian Citizenship

Obtaining Saudi Arabian citizenship offers several benefits, including:

  • Ability to work: Saudi Arabian citizens have the right to work in the country without obtaining a work permit.
  • Access to education: Saudi Arabian citizens have access to free education, including university tuition.
  • Healthcare: Saudi Arabian citizens have access to free healthcare, including medical and hospital expenses.
  • Social security: Saudi Arabian citizens are entitled to social security benefits, such as pensions and unemployment benefits.
  • Freedom to travel: Saudi Arabian citizens have the right to travel freely within and outside the country.


Becoming a citizen of Saudi Arabia is a challenging but rewarding process. By meeting the requirements, following the process, and understanding the benefits, you can increase your chances of successfully obtaining Saudi Arabian citizenship.

Are you interested in learning more about Saudi Arabian citizenship?

How To Become A Citizen In Saudi Arabia


Q: Can a Christian become a citizen of Saudi Arabia?

A: No, Saudi Arabian law requires that all citizens be Muslim.

Q: How long does it take to process a citizenship application?

A: The processing time for citizenship applications can vary, but it typically takes several months to complete.

Q: What are the grounds for denying a citizenship application?

A: Citizenship applications may be denied if the applicant has a criminal record, has not met the residency requirement, or does not fulfill the other requirements for naturalization.

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